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EURADOS assistance to Ukraine reached final recipients

We are pleased to inform that the dosimetric equipment collected by the European Dosimetric Network EURADOS to support Ukrainian colleagues – specialists in the field of radiation protection, radiation medicine and dosimetry fell into the hands of the final recipients of this charitable assistance.

Having passed through the caring hands  of the Krakow circle of the Association of Ukrainians in Poland, the organization BeeUkrainian, the charity foundation "Hope Worldwide", dosimetric equipment, requested by a number of Ukrainian research institutions, were received by SPE DOSIMETRICA and distributed among the final recipients.


Among the recipients of EURADOS assistance is the Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, whose Chornobyl laboratory was vilified during its temporary stay of Russian barbarians in the exclusion zone. The portable dosimeter-radiometer was handed over to the Head  of the Department of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Viktor KRASNOV and senior researcher, popular scientist Olena PARENYUK.

The measuring instruments were also transferred to  the Ukrainian Research Institute of Agricultural Radiology of NUBiP of Ukraine. Director of the Institute Professor Valeriy KASHPAROV expressed gratitude for receiving, in particular, a dosimeter-radiometer capable of measuring gamma, beta and alpha radiation in the high dose rate fields.

A set of electronic personal dosimeters, an alpha and beta particle flux density meter, a pocket dosimeter-radiometer will be useful to the National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine in the context of enhancing capabilities to receive victims in case of radiological emergency. This equipment was received by Acting Director General of NRCRM Academician Dimytriy BAZYKA, Head of the Laboratory of Whole Body Counters Valentyna VASYLENKO and Head of the Laboratory of External Exposure Dosimetry Professor Vadym CHUMAK.

Team of dosimetric monitoring service and management of RPE DOSIMETRICA on behalf of Ukrainian colleagues, expresses its gratitude to all participants of this charitable initiative: the EURADOS Council and personally to the Deputy Head of EURADOS Professor Pawel OLKO, European donor institutions (University Hospitals of GenevaAzienda Sanitaria dell'Alto Adige, South Tyrol Health Authority, Paul Scherrer Institute), the Head of Krakow branch of Ukrainians in Poland Association  Andrii OLIYNYK, representatives of the Charity Foundation "Hope Worldwide" Oksana SHAKHMATENKO and Oleksandr KOVTUN.

This seemingly limited assistance of the European professional community to Ukrainian colleagues symbolizes the solidarity of the civilized world in the face of the barbaric invasion, the first victim of which is Ukraine. We hope that this initiative will be continued and other international partners - potential donors will later join it. 

Be safe and take care!

Team of dosimetric monitoring service and management of RPE DOSIMETRICA.





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